Third Trimester(29 – 40+ weeks)
Week 29
You are in your third trimester now. Only 3 more months to go. Your baby is 14 and a half inches long (head to foot), and weighs about 3 pounds. They are trying to breathe more rhythmically as their lungs is getting matured. Except skull rest of the bones are fully formed. The interesting fact is they are born with 300 bones.
The changes in you
You will feel more exhausted as the womb gets bigger and bigger. If you have gestational diabetes, you will be on a strict diet. Bowel movement is not that great, some of you are facing hemorrhoids issues. The happy part is baby’s kicks are more evident now and your baby responds to some sounds or foods, drinking water, light. From this trimester, if your womb is big you can feel the breathing is getting difficult.
Week 30
Your baby is 15 inches long and weighs 3.2 pounds. They will gain half a pound every week. They make faces a lot, do hiccups, thump sucking, and drink amniotic fluid. The lanugo is disappearing and growing more hair on the head. Now the baby’s brain is starting to develop grooves and indentations, before they had a smooth brain.
The changes in you
You can see some skin changes, like dark patches on the face and belly. And stretch marks on the belly and breast. Itchy stomach and body. If you are experiencing itchiness all over your body talk to your doctor. A suitable moisturizer or another cream recommended by your OB-GYNC can be used if you have itchiness in your belly.
Week 31
Your baby is about 16 inches long and weighs about 3 .25 pounds. They are at their full birth size. Now they are tall and skinny, but they will gain weight in the coming weeks. They have finger nails, your baby’s eye can now focus and track light. May be you have noticed when you are sleeping or in rest position your baby is moving and active but when you are moving or being active they are sleeping.
The changes in you
You may feel an emotional imbalance because of hormonal changes. This trimester you should start kick counting (). You may have discomfort in this trimester because of the extra weight in your belly. In this trimester there is a high chance of getting varicose.
Week 32/8th Month
Your baby is about 3.5 – 4 pounds and 18 inches long. Now your baby has moved to vertex position i.e.; head down position. They are breathing in a rhythmic way.
The changes in you
You feel more tired, uncomfortable because of bad sleep waking in-between. Back pain is getting more intense because of the center gravity is shifted forward better invest in a maternity belt and try to wear comfortable shoes (flats are not a good idea).
Week 33
Your baby is about 18 inches long and weighs about 4.25 pounds. Your baby have less room to stretch so you could feel them crawling more often. Finger nails have fully grown by now.
The changes in you
May be from this week own you feel false contractions (Braxton hicks contractions) your belly feels really hard and uterus become tight in this contraction but not that painful and very irregular.
Week 34
Your baby is about 18 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds (yes they are growing too fast). They are still in there head down position.
The changes in you
You have prepared your hospital bag and you prepared your house with essentials that baby need. This week your ob-gyn test you for group b strep.
Week 35
Your baby is about 18 inches long and weighs about 5.5 pounds. Kidneys are fully developed and liver developing. Your baby’s brain is growing and is protected by soft skull. The baby movements changed from more kicking to crawling because of less room to stretch.
The changes in you
You may feel struggle in standing up without any help, because of growing belly you can’t see your feet, always need help for everything. The heartburn can hit you even harder in these weeks. Most of you will find difficulty in breathing.
Week 36/9th Month
Your baby is about 18-19 inches long and weighs about 6 pounds. Baby’s digestive system won’t work properly now. There liver is growing. There fat deposits are complete. They look like a new born now.
The changes in you
You are in the phase of excitement and tensed at the same time. Your little one will be born in any week from now. Your body need rest, which you should take but always consider exercise at least 10 mints if you are having a healthy pregnancy.
Week 37
Your baby is about 19 – 20 inches long and weighs about 6.5 pounds. Your baby is full term.
The changes in you
This week your gynae will perform positioning and presentation Ultrasound and they will discuss you with the symptoms you are going through and signs of labor. Discuss you about when should you get admitted and the position of your baby.
Week 38
Your baby is about 20 inches long and weighs about 7 pounds. Their lungs are ready and developed to take in air, now they are breathing amniotic fluid.
The changes in you
Your tired, not having good sleep, leg swelling. But excited to see your baby makes everything better. Your body started to produce colostrum to breast feed baby in these weeks. For some women their breast leaks few days before delivery.
Week 39
Your baby is about 19 – 21 inches long and weighs about 7- 8pounds. Your baby is fully developed to come out.
The changes in you
Your exhausted, but heartburn is not that intense than before. Your doctor will check your cervix. Most probably your little one will come any time from now.
Week 40
Your baby is about 20-21 inches long and weighs about 8 pounds. All the organs are developed to adjust in the outside world.
The changes in you
You are all ready to deliver the baby. Which you have already planned, like natural birth, natural delivery without pain, or C-section. You have to Stay hydrated.
Must understand
•If you are experiencing different pain patterns than before consult your gynecologist immediately. If the baby is in breech position your ob-gyn will try to rotate the baby.
•If you are not in a high-risk pregnancy, consider doing 20 minutes of exercise if your ob-gyn approves it.
•Understand about real contraction and Braxton hick’s contractions.
•Understand Leg swelling and the measures to take care of it. And if only one leg has swelling then consult ob-gyn.
•Try to eat healthy and never eat for two, that not a good advice from others. Only some extra calories is necessary, talk to a dietitian if you are confused, over weight or obese before.
•Have a knowledge about Baby dropping, bloody show, water breaking, virginal discharges and symptoms that will make you understand the body changes.
• Never hesitant to open up with your gynecologist, they are one who can help you with your doubts.
The above-mentioned details can vary from person to person. This is just an idea of what you can expect in your 3rd trimester.
Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy journey, and cherish each joyful moments